Guided Tour: Special Exhibition of "An Age of Luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander" by Hong Kong Museum of History
Europa | ||
Europa on White Bull British Museum |
Abduction of Europa 1632 Rembrandt |
Coin of Europa on Bull Sidon 218-222 AD American University of Beirut |
2 Euro Coin | ||
Anthropoid Sarcophagus | ||
Anthropoid Sarcophagus 6th - 4th century BC Sidon British Museum |
Anthropoid Sarcophagus 6th - 4th century BC Sidon National Museum of Beirut |
Coin of Alexander the Great | ||
Coin Alexander the Great with goat horns minted by Lysimachus Pergamon British Museum |
Zeus-Ammon 120-160 AD Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Zeus-Ammon 120-160 AD Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Coin Alexander the Great with lion skin Eretz Israel Museum, Israel |
Hercules and the Hydra 1475 Antonio del Pollaiuolo Uffizi Gallery, Italy |
Dwayne Johnson as Hercules with lion skin in the movie Hercules (2014) | ||
Rhyton | ||
Rhyton 500 BC Turkey British Museum |
Rhyton Achaemenid Period (550 - 330 BC) Iran Reza Abbasi Museum, Tehran, Iran |
Rhyton Achaemenid Period (550 - 330 BC) Iran Reza Abbasi Museum, Tehran, Iran |
Rhyton Achaemenid Period (550 - 330 BC) Iran Reza Abbasi Museum, Tehran, Iran |
Rhyton Achaemenid Period (550 - 330 BC) Iran Reza Abbasi Museum, Tehran, Iran |
Herakles Knot | ||
Herakles Knot 5th - 4th century BC Syria British Museum |
Lydia Gold Coin | ||
Lydia Gold Coin 6th century BC Lydia British Museum |
Nineveh Garden | ||
Nineveh Garden 645 - 635 BC British Museum |
Nineveh Garden | ||
Sennacherib Prism | ||
Sennacherib Prism 691 - 689 BC British Museum |
Sennacherib Prism 691 BC British Museum |
Taylor Prism 691 BC British Museum |
Jerusalem Prism 689 BC Israel Museum |
Phoenicia | ||
Clay Tablet 7th - 6th century BC Sippar, Iraq British Museum |
Murex National Museum of Beirut |
Murex American University of Beirut |
Tyrian Purple American University of Beirut |
Tyrian Purple American University of Beirut |
Phoenician Stele British Museum |
Phoenician Stele British Museum |
Influence of Assyria and Persia on other countries | ||
Chair Leg 800 BC Van (Ancient Urartu, present Turkey) British Museum |
Symbol of Sun god Shamash | ||
God Ashur (or Sun god Shamash) 865 - 860 BC Nimrud, Assyria (Iraq) British Museum (WA 124531) |
Symbol of Faravahar, representing Ahura Mazda of
Zoroastrianism Persepolis, Iran |