Guided Tour: Special Exhibition of "An Age of Luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander" by Hong Kong Museum of History
導賞: 香港歷史博物館專題展覽「奢華世代:從亞述到亞歷山大」

Europa on White Bull Europa on White Bull

British Museum
Abduction of Europa by Rembrandt 1632 Abduction of Europa
Coin of Europa on Bull Sidon 218-222 AD Coin of Europa on Bull
218-222 AD

American University of Beirut
2 Euro Coin 2 Euro Coin  
Anthropoid Sarcophagus    
Anthropoid Sarcophagus Anthropoid Sarcophagus
6th - 4th century BC

British Museum
Anthropoid Sarcophagus Anthropoid Sarcophagus
6th - 4th century BC

National Museum of Beirut
Coin of Alexander the Great    
Coin of Alexander the Great Coin
Alexander the Great with goat horns
minted by Lysimachus

British Museum
Zeus-Ammon Zeus-Ammon
120-160 AD

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Zeus-Ammon Zeus-Ammon
120-160 AD

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Coin of Alexander the Great Coin
Alexander the Great with lion skin

Eretz Israel Museum, Israel
Hercules and the Hydra 1475 by Antonio del Pollaiuolo uffizi Gallery Hercules and the Hydra
Antonio del Pollaiuolo

Uffizi Gallery, Italy
Movie Hercules (2014) Dwayne Johnson as Hercules with lion skin in the movie Hercules (2014)  
Rhyton Rhyton
500 BC

British Museum
Rhyton Rhyton
Achaemenid Period
(550 - 330 BC)

Reza Abbasi Museum,
Tehran, Iran
Rhyton Rhyton
Achaemenid Period
(550 - 330 BC)

Reza Abbasi Museum,
Tehran, Iran
Rhyton Rhyton
Achaemenid Period
(550 - 330 BC)

Reza Abbasi Museum,
Tehran, Iran
Rhyton Rhyton
Achaemenid Period
(550 - 330 BC)

Reza Abbasi Museum,
Tehran, Iran
Herakles Knot    
Herakles Knot Herakles Knot
5th - 4th century BC

British Museum
Lydia Gold Coin    
Lydia Gold Coin Lydia Gold Coin
6th century BC

British Museum
Nineveh Garden    
Relief of Nineveh Garden Nineveh Garden
645 - 635 BC

British Museum
Nineveh Garden Nineveh Garden  
Sennacherib Prism    
Sennacherib Prism Sennacherib Prism
691 - 689 BC

British Museum
Taylor Prism Sennacherib Prism
691 BC

British Museum
Taylor Prism Taylor Prism
691 BC

British Museum
Jerusalem Prism Jerusalem Prism
689 BC

Israel Museum
Clay Tablet Clay Tablet
7th - 6th century BC
Sippar, Iraq

British Museum
Murex Murex

National Museum of Beirut
Murex Murex

American University of Beirut
Tyrian Purple Tyrian Purple

American University of Beirut
Tyrian Purple Tyrian Purple

American University of Beirut
Phoenician Stele Phoenician Stele

British Museum
Phoenician Stele Phoenician Stele

British Museum
Influence of Assyria and Persia on other countries    
Urartu Chair Leg Chair Leg
800 BC
(Ancient Urartu, present Turkey)

British Museum
Symbol of Sun god Shamash Symbol of Sun god Shamash  
Ashur god God Ashur (or Sun god Shamash)
865 - 860 BC
Nimrud, Assyria (Iraq)

British Museum (WA 124531)

Symbol of Faravahar, representing Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrianism
6th - 4th century BC

Persepolis, Iran