海報 |
List Price 訂價 |
37 x 12 吋 雙面
Temple Mount
37 x 12 inches Double-sided |
HK$50 |
Coming soon
即將出版 |
World Heritage Series—Persepolis |
World Heritage Series—Ethiopia |
Year 年份 |
Book Cover 封面 |
Table of Contents 目錄 |
Description 簡介 |
2021 |
World Heritage Series—Phoenicia
This book introduces Phoenicia’s glorious past
and culture, and its relationship with the Bible,
by exploring all the UNESCO World Heritage
sites,the UNESCO Memory of the World and
other ancient cities in Lebanon, including Byblos, Tyre, Sidon,
Baalbek, Anjar, Kadisha Valley and the Forest of
the Cedars of God, Nahr el-Kalb (Dog River) and
Harissa. |
HK$290 |
2020 |
The 400 Silent Years Series -- The Herodian Dynasty
HK$130 |
2020 |
Treasures in Museum: The Bible and Israel Museum
This book focuses on the collections in the three wings of Israel Museum, hoping to arouse the interest of readers and gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the
collections, and the Bible and history. |
HK$230 |
2019 |
Treasures in Museum: The Bible in British Museum
本書特別挑選了多件和聖經有關係的展品按年代及主題排列,幫助讀者更有效率地參觀,以及更深入了解展品與聖經的關係。 |
HK$150 |
2019 |
Let the Coins Speak
This book reorganizes the history of the Jews and the land of Judah from
another angle by showing coin collections from more than 10 different
museums in different countries, analyzing the coins used in different periods of time in Judah, and from there telling the stories of the Jews.
The coins introduced in this book include the first batch of coins in the world,
Persian Achaemenid, Greece, Yehud, Alexander the Great, Ptolemy Dynasty, Seleucid Dynasty, Hasmonean Dynasty, Romans, Tyre, the Herodian family, the first Jewish Revolt, Judaea Capta, Bar Kokhba Revolt, and so on.
HK$230 |
2018 |
世界遺產系列─兩河流域 古時的兩河流域,現在的伊拉克,雖然擁有數千年深厚的歷史及文化,但因為最近數十年間戰事頻繁,令到很多人都裹足不前,不敢前去旅遊。
World Heritage Series—Mesopotamia
Although the ancient Mesopotamia, present Iraq, has thousand years of history and rich culture, people are afraid of visiting there because of the wars in recent decades.
Starting from the central Iraq and all the way to the south, the author of this book presents different facets of Iraq with thousand years of history to his readers through the lenses – Ctesiphon the capital of the Persian Sassanid Empire, Baghdad the capital of the Arabic Abbasid Dynasty, Babylon the ancient Mesopotamian empire, Uruk where the first writing system was developed, Ur the hometown of Abraham, Chibayish where the rare wetland of the Middle East locates, and Basrah the oil town.
In addition, the author also explores the holy cities of the Shiites – Kufa the hometown of Ali the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, Najaf where Ali was buried, and finally Karbala where the critical battle causing the ultimate separation of the Sunni and Shia took place. |
HK$230 |
2018 |
遜尼、什葉、阿舒拉 Sunni, Shia, Ashura
本書為你簡介伊斯蘭教的起源,遜尼派、什葉派為甚麼決裂,阿舒拉節的緣起,最後探討遜尼什葉兩派的關係如何影響現今的世界局勢。 |
HK$130 |
2018 |
Traditional & Archaeological Via Dolorosa
In the past few hundred years, many people walk along the route of Via Dolorosa, starting from the Lions' Gate and ended in the Holy Sepulchre, to mediate and commemorate what Jesus has done for us 2000 years ago. How much do you know about this Way of Sorrow? Does it match with the history happened 2000 years ago? And why a new route is proposed more than twenty years ago? Through photos and texts, this book introduces the traditional and new routes to readers station by station, so as to provide a deeper understanding of this Way of Sorrow and what Jesus has suffered. |
HK$100 |
2017 |
雙角公綿羊—瑪代與波斯 A Ram with Two Horns
「我舉目觀看,見有雙角的公綿羊站在河邊,兩角都高。這角高過那角,更高的是後長的。我見那公綿羊往西、往北、往南牴觸。獸在他面前都站立不住,也沒有能救護脫離他手的;但他任意而行,自高自大。……你所看見雙角的公綿羊,就是瑪代和波斯王。」(但以理書8:3, 4, 20) 你對舊約提及的以攔、瑪代和波斯,有多少認識?這些地方和古國與舊約的許多書卷有關,例如但以理書、以斯拉記、尼希米記、以斯帖記、哈該書和撒迦利亞書。希望通過介紹阿契美尼德波斯國王的歷史,本書能夠幫助讀者更清楚知道這些書卷的背景,從而更了解聖經,亦更欣賞伊朗豐富的文化和悠久的歷史。 |
HK$200 |
2016 |
歲月長河聖殿山 Temple Mount
聖殿山是猶太教、伊斯蘭教和基督教的聖地。聖殿山上的任何風吹草動,都會引起各方強烈反彈。在數千年悠長的歷史中,你對聖殿山又認識多少?所羅門和耶穌時代的聖殿遺址如今在那裡?除了搶眼的金頂清真寺,你還認識在聖殿山上的其他建築物嗎? |
HK$200 |
2015 |
讓石頭說話 Let the Stones Speak 本書展示收藏在不同的博物館,如大英博物館、羅浮宮博物館、伊斯坦堡考古博物館、以色列博物館和伊朗國家博物館內各種與聖經有關的文物,並探索一些聖經提及的考古遺址,以幫助讀者更深入了解聖經的內容和欣賞聖經的真確性。本書所涵蓋的區域包括美索不達米亞(蘇美、巴比倫和亞述)、以攔、瑪代波斯、赫人、亞蘭、摩押、以色列、非利士和迦南。 |
HK$200 |
2014 |
世界遺產系列─波斯 World Heritage Series—Persia
伊朗,一個既神祕又美麗的中東國家,曾是波斯王國的一部分。在聖經舊約時代,更是但以理書、以斯帖記、以斯拉記和尼希米記等書卷的歷史場景,可是今日我們對這個神祕的國度認識不多。本書作者透過鏡頭把伊朗的近貌、古蹟、人文生活、文化等呈現讀者眼前,再加上大量古代波斯帝國的歷史資料,讓大家更深認識對這個古國,不再單純以一個回教國家來視之。書內部分照片附QR碼,為讀者提供更詳盡的資訊。 |
HK$200 |